Actions from August Area Panel





Bethan Hudson to email around the cut off dates for EDB bids

Bethan Hudson

EDB Deadline dates were emailed to East Area Panel Attendees on 18/08/2021

Janet Dowdell to chase for a response from Property & Estates about the progress of the issues on Langley Crescent.

Janet Dowdell

The issues concern the rear communal pathways that go across the back of properties that face onto Langley Crescent roughly between 29-77 Langley crescent.  Initially it was thought this would involve a few individual issues but it turns out to be more complicated and a bigger piece of work.

We want to explore options for the gates to avoid fly-tipping opportunities and whether we would need to replace locks so that all residents can have keys to avoid access and fire safety issues.

Taking all that into account we aim to put together a package of work to generally improve the area and this will be allocated to a Housing Officer from the East Area Housing Team.

There are communal paths and archways running along the back of the houses.  Some residents have fenced off their bits of path outside their back doors and some have blocked the archway, and some archways have gates that are locked and not everyone has keys and some are left open.  We need to establish whether there are any fire safety, land ownership or general Health and Safety reasons why the residents should not fence off their areas and we will need a consistent approach so the message is clear to all residents.

We also want to look into maintenance arrangements for the paths to deal with slippery moss and lighting.

Bethan Hudson to get a response regarding Council Officers expecting instant replies from residents.

Bethan Hudson

I have spoken to the resident and resolved the matter outside Area Panel.

Thomas Bald to get more information about the update of Area Panels Terms of Reference including Chairing Arrangements.

Thomas Bald

Verbal update at the next meeting